Signature Programming

Limited access to information, training and coaching is the primary obstacle for politicians who need to generate the support of the communities they serve. Our training blocks accomplish exactly that,through proven methodologies that will serve candidates both on the campaign trail and in elected office.

Supporting You

Ready to Run was designed with candidates in mind, not agendas. We want you to absorb everything you need to carry your goals forward with confidence and, more importantly, the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. We achieve this with specialized training blocks designed for different steps in the civic engagement process.


Ready to Run

The programs provided by Ready to Run are geared toward candidates who are in the planning phase of their campaign (especially those just starting their civic paths) and have not started running for their intended seat yet. We help candidates prepare to overcome obstacles in the campaigning process and make decisions about how to present their goals.

Ready to Lead

While Ready to Run is primarily focused on directing new lifeblood in the civic arena, Ready to Lead is an initiative designed to provide consultation to new and existing public officials on how to transform their public positions into solutions to broad issues facing the communities they represent.

Specialized Training

We also provide special training programs based on methodologies specific to seats such as school board races, judicial campaigns and special elections. There are broad strokes that can be applied to a legislative career in any office, but each seat also represents a different political playing field to be navigated.

Integrating Your Campaign

Ready to Run's products represent a set of advantages that transform your campaign platform into a recognizable symbol for the problems you want to solve.

  • Platform Credibility
  • Candidate Personality
  • Narrative Branding
  • Community Solidarity
  • Establishing Identity

Ready to Run places a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, not as a marketing tool but as a way to ensure Georgia's people are guaranteed their seat at the table.


Ready to Run candidates are provided with practice in campaigning strategies and techniques relevant for navigating public service to secure both a present and future politcal career.


Through communication from candidates and correspondence with the people, opportunities arise to keep voters informed and enlist their help in the fight for change.
